Good morning SR dragons !
It is the time to chit chat over cup of coffee and remember the story of how our bands and alliance were created in Bardo server.

Spirit-Fists/Onlaught, SR LM, on StorM_RiderS wu tang band and alliance :
My History of Storm Riders goes back to the day I joined the band, when Onslaught was still only SM1 I think. I was levelling in Nanchang with my oldest friends in 9D, Kuyamarko and Yoon, who later went on to become Victorion. I was still in my own band called Blade of Zantetsuken, which I created with a friend who started 9D with me from my old Counter-Strike clan.
Later that day, Kuya made the invite to Yoon who then joined StorM_Riders, the offer was made to me aswell, but at the time I was unsure if my friend was gonna stay with 9D so I decided to wait a few more days. Three days later I choose to accept the invite and was summoned to meet DaddyCool and Sword at Zombies in Nanchang, they had heard that I was as crazy as both kuya and Yoon and they really wanted me to join. The day that I joined was the day that WindnCloud left the game, so I didn't really get to know him much at all, It wasn't known how long he would go for so he stayed as BM.
At the time StorM_RiderS were part of the Elites Alliaince and was the biggest baddest Ally on Bardo for some time. Ill get to the breakup of the Ally shortly, but before that happened we did have a great deal of fun.
The War with United Forces
This war originally started when a noob called EvilHomer_PL started killing one of SR's healers in CC3 for karma, it was a stupid move to make as it happened to be DaddyCools girlfriend who he started killing. DaddyCool started repaying the favour, and as he was higher than most players, Homer had bitten off more than he could chew. When Onslaught was grinding at the CC3 Hermit spot, DaddyCool left the game, but his final request to me was "Please make Homer suffer long after I'm gone", I of course accepted his request, and repeatedly attacked and killed Homer at every oppotunity, he was grinding at the start of CC3 at this time, so it was a short run for me to kill him every few hours, Onslaught was GK at this time, some days I took over 400GK off Homer in one day xD The rest is history, SR and UF have been mortal enemies to this day. Destiny only started helping them after we had left Elites Alliance and formed our own League, quickly becoming the highest and strongest group of players on possibly all 3 servers, it became clear to UF that they could not fight SR alone, even then SR was still able to hold their own most days, even fighting both black leagues Smile.
The Dragon Wars
The defence boss in CC3 was being monopolised by the Dragon and their friends, Blood, Fire, Ice, LionHex, Element and Wolfwoman, so our Ally decided it was time to change things around a bit, and took the fight to them full on. Within a week, the 3rd floor of the cave was an all out warzone, with battles going on nonstop with anyone from the Dragons faction who showed up to kill or camp the def boss. It wasn't long before the Dragons labelled Onslaught as a War Monger as it was me sort of leading the charge, shouting for backup and pulling more and more whites to our side to stop their domination once and for all. Ice hated me with a passion as he couldn't kill me, I used to place myself too close to the walls that his para couldn't hit, then when he came close enough I'd kill him in a melle battle xD It was during this War that I first met WolfWomen. I had just killed FireDragon between the hermit spot and the glaivemen and Wolfy turned up to res him, I warned her that if she attemted to res him, I would lay her down next to him, but she ignored me and tried anyway, I followed up on my promise and killed her right next to him. I even said Sorry, but I did warn you, and it was this started off our friendship, even tho we were on opposing side, she thought it was nice that I apologised and she wanted to tell me that I was the first player to kill her in CC lol.
This then continued into CC4 at General Wei, this time we had more firepower as we had made a friendly alliance with Heavenly Taiping, who at the time were the strongest Black Alliance on the server.
SRII is created
Things were not going well inside Elites Alliance. SR were on the path to helping all Whites and hoping one day to unite all whites, this was Swords dream, and I fully believed in it and put my weight behind totally. Elites however were getting themselves a name for PvP, having fun in the cave, but attacking whites aswell as blacks. AliBaBa and Gforce were having a lot of fun in their constant arguements with Strychin and would mask up and torment him for ages. The final straw for us was when Gforce started killing other Whites who we were very close with. When he killed FunkyMonkey in CC3, he tried to deny it, but forgot I was in his party and could tell it was him.
A few days later Sword, myself and a few of the other long serving band members all agreed that we wanted out of Elites Alliance, but due to the fact that WindnCloud was away, we couldn't take the band out of the ally, so we did the unthinkable, we left our own band, leaving a skeleton crew in charge. We crated StorM_II_RiderS and started from scratch. It wasn't long after Gforce returned from holiday, that our band was finally kicked from the Elites Alliance and we could reclaim it after leaving a char as BM for just this reason. We then Allied with SRII as an extension to our main band, as we had too many players, and more wanted to join us because of what we stood for.
StorM_RiderS Alliance is formed
When Onslaught reached FC7 and we started making the first ever FC PQ runs, Sword decided he was leaving the game for an extended period and needed to hand leadership ove to someone who was honest and reliable, I was honoured when he asked me, I was expecting someone else would take it. I accepted his request and became BM of StorM_Riders. I wanted to follow in Sword's footsteps and take SR to the next level, so I started thinking about an alliance, and Yoink and his 4 band Shoe League jumped to the forefront as the perfect partners.
I first met Yoink in ZhengZhoe, I was having bad lag issues early on 9d and was looking for Insane Axe boss to kill, I arrived and found him, but as I was lagging badly, I didn't see Yoink's party appear for about 15 secs, after I'd already started attacking the boss. I stayed on the boss, relogging at 5% to help FunkyMonkey (I think it was him) to take the kill and drop. From this day forward we bumped in to each other quite frequently when Boss Hunting.
After a few chats about rules, our future and our aspirations for the possible merger, Yoink accepted my offer to make a new Alliance, I think he even scaled his 4 bands down to 3 so we could try to become a large ally with a good mixture of Shao and WuTang. We then started thinking about adding a Begger band to the Alliance so we could involve players of each of the three races on the White side. I had known Tran1234 for some time already, constantly finding him helping a lower level on a boss (I dont know anyone more helpful than tran x) so I started asking him about the possibility of things, if we ever made room for a Begger Band, but unfortunatley, as it would take some time to make this room, we were still only making the possible suggestion in our Ally at the time, Tran was offered to join Nameless_Path by Booog and as we had only been making suggestions with the future of SR, he accepted Boogs invite and joined him. I dont know the full reasons, but Tran was becoming unhappy in NP and we started up the talk about his band becoming the Begger Band in SR. Once again Yoink thinned out the ranks of his three Shao Bands and merged them into two, we then invited Tran formally and a few days later, he left NP and joined SR, this gave us the highest WuTang, Shao and Begger bands on Bardo in one Alliance.
To this day Storm_Riders alliance are still probably the most respected Alliance on the server. We achieved all of my dreams and more. We finally united all Whites, with the help of some of the other higher White Leagues, we took Storm V Storm and held for a massive 11 months, a record I doubt will ever be broken, and we continue to be the Highest and Strongest group on the server, and the StorM_RiderS band is still the single highest band on Bardo.
Im am soo proud of everyone who has helped to make SR what it is today, It was a lot of hard work from a lot of dedicated players, you should all be proud of yourselves.
SR Hero League bands in Bardo Server :