Deadlyarrow/Tran on HONDA_RIDERS, beggar band.

It was after midnight when DevilRider told me about 9dragons, and i started playing! Next morning john saw me grinding and he decided to start too with me and Devil later we forced Pano start too Smile.Few days later was early morning when Blade614 (aka john_GR/johnGR_2) lvled to RL 1! and was able to create the Hero Band , so we went to clan base Razz , unfortunatly we were 4 -.- but lucky us we found a stranger passing around and we invite to party xD (murdoc wasnt there since that time was busy with his army duty Razz ) and guess what ! ! ! HONDA-RIDERS created !
The four Master/leaders of HR later murdoc became the 5th.History of HONDA_RIDERS.
HR was a Greek band which last for long enough tho. In the meantime when alliance option been added by Acclaim HR became a HONDA-RIDERS hero league with two bands join us , a WT and a Shaolin with masters Andonios for WT and most_wanted for the shaolin.HR remain like this untill me/john/panos/Gomenos reech FC pq.That time Booog Master of NamelessPath was looking to extend his League and since our small alliance couldnt be the high alliance we were dream cuz not that many Greeks ingame we accept Booog invitation. We ve been in NP for too short period tho , was like middle of FC pq to CS 2 or so few weeks only.( u know i lvl fast xD) And then StorM_RiderS league with Deathly_Kiss help and HR low and nice profile with few high lvls and lowbies ofc too we had the chance to join the league we always wanted too Smile .I ll explain this im sure u wondering how come ? Razz
I was like FD lvl when i met for fisrt time three Old guys that used to be with us till they reech FC pq -CS but naab acclaim made em quit game for ever.However one of them still around his name is GuanDeva (aka GuanDao) and the other 2 are peace_maker and Steliosvas miss u guys hope ur doing well(Also oinkoink was there xDI didnt remember that tho he told so i add oinkFTW). They were like high GB -EC and i saw them running at Jinan for a VOH run if im not mistaken.
We became good friends thay time the legendary shaolin league was still there! and was pity we were a Beggar Band and couldnt join them. Later when the shaolin league disbanded and SR formed we only heard good things from Guan and rest greek shao's for the SR league and since we re lucky to know those Shao's but unlucky at same time cuz we re low league too and we wouldnt except a high lvl hero league accept our noob band Razz.So since then we wanted to join SR and i couldn t let the chance when i met Spirit-Fists at CC 4 and we start talking etc hours and hours we also had a pretty nice co-opperation at FC pq with rest noobs there >,,<. And here we are few weeks later and for like one year now HR are part of StorM_RiderS league! And HR from a low Greek band became the highest international Beggar band on Bardo Server.
Yoink on EnLighTenD, shao band.

"It was a dark and stormy night ....... -makes lightning noises- .......when a fresh faced and slimmer oink finished downloading the client for 9D."
He messed about on Nirvana for a couple of weeks, then Bardo was announced, and all the Euros cheered "Yay!" cheers
An old friend of mine, from my SRO days told me they had started up a shaolin band on Bardo, and i was welcome to join. Well, i'd got my Nirvana gal hybrid up to RL and was getting a bit bored of bears so i thought what the heck, and made a joke toon called "Yoink" having been watching an episode of The Simpsons while starting up game, and "Snake" *yoinked* something or other from the quik-e-mart.
Got him into shaolin, recieved an invite from brun-ti and have been in EnLighTenD ever since. These guys were serious grinders. We had BornSH and Torn doing regular COF runs....back in the day when this was amazing, nocturnus with his maxed buffs (for FD level :geek: ) and many many good shao (all now sadly gone) 🇳🇴
There was a point when EnLighTenD got very busy and very popular, so i left to form DeLighTenD as a trainee band (my first foray into band mastership) and the first shaolin alliance was formed on Bardo! :king:
My good friend Kenji_NI who i'd met just after Jinan bears and grinded with ever since (miss you bro Crying or Very sad ) knew a nice lil band by the name of Mountain Tigers, they were the SRB shaos on Bardo and they accepted an invite to the alliance. Shortly after funkymonkey decided to reform his old shao band which he wasn't leader of (forgot the name Embarassed ) and formed Noble_Eightfold_Path and then we were four! cheers
So .....we set about finding our 5th installment of baldies, and Fists_Of_Fury kept popping up, so in they came.
These were happy times in our 5 band alliance, baldies everywhere you went, but as you all no doubt notice, bands grow quiet....people leave.....times change.
I had met Xiriu down in cc3/4 and we became friends and grind buddies, constantly pushing each other to level and was around this time that Elites had split up due to problems and the StorM_RiderS were looking for an alliance. I refused many offers due to us being 5 bands of shao, and we wanted to keep it shao only, but things got awful inactive, some of the big guys left for other games and we finally took the plunge and reduced our numbers to 2 bands.
The rest is history that you all find yourself a part of.....Long Live the Riders!