From corrupt black market players to successful bullies and cyber criminals who frauds your PayPal, why does it always seem that the bad guys come out on top?
There are specific psychological reasons why bad people are able to exploit others to their advantage—part of the problem is our tolerance for bad behavior, and unwillingness to intervene. There is more we can do to stop the bad and promote the good—and we should remember that biases in social perception may give the illusion that the bad guys are winning, even though they’re really not. Why ?
1. Bad guys play dirty (and we let them get away with it).
2. Bad guys understand power dynamics (authority gives them free rides and they post as authority or good people).
3. We're prone to the bystander effect (we simply stand by when others are being bullied or attacked—not wanting to get involved, or not wanting to become the bad guys’ next target).
4.Perceptual biases.
But this does not apply to Old School players that have 14 years in the game.They saw all, they know the game mechanic and how other exploits the game, they are the ones who have been fighting these bad boys since 2006, who over time have improved their means to destroy the game play for others and made many players collateral damages.
”Bad boys”:

Trends in bugs :
1. Chat bug.
Did you see this :
in map chat or whisper ?
Don't answer !
In the game now is a chat bug through which can report you falsely, meaning they put words in whisper that you did not say and report you to RedFox. Some enemies players were reported to RedFox like this, so take care good faith players.
What you can do to avoid this till is fixed ?
Don't answer to your enemies or to characters you don't know.
2. Damage bugs.
Damage bugs are very real, now are trending two damage bugs in game, one that use the actives/ smashes, one that use instant nukes and the cool down on shields. One of them is used since 2007.
The most common one is the one used with the actives and you have to roll back the actives and find the round cycle to overlap it. If you got your top items equip and you die like fly the other player is using the bug. This bug is use very frequent at bosses over-damage. Always have bandicam on and make screens than report. If you calculate from game mechanic all game increases and divide by your defense you will notice that numbers gives you ~comma~. Includ in your report the numbers. We got many players on you tube private videos who use this bug and is fun to see when will make public the videos who used it. I am not sure if till Hainan RedFox will fix it, but be aware of this bug and report it. Also, look at the animation and you will see it is reduced. This bug is used by all roles.
When your enemy screaming on maps : come fight me on Kunlun, you know now what is going on...

For some skills at cheng 2 cancels the animation and calculates the damage.

Do you guys remember who hunt who on forum about this bug and who accuse who on Tao and Yin ?
As old school say :
Fraps on, fraps on ! We know what you did LAST SUMMER !
Now did you notice you got a lot of lag suddenly when you are pk and die in 1-2 hits even you have enormous HP ? That is call ~instant kill bug~. This bug is made with insta click and powered sometimes by a 3rd party tool. The animation of the skill is cut and you can recognize it anytime.

Why some nukers that are top pvp don't die ? I tell you : how to become immortal in pvp and don't use KG ? Messing up with the cool down in the shields of nukers.
The mess up by 3rd parties is also possible because the private servers leech down some tools used by these bad players to enforce the domination over the weak ones and monopoly and 9d has old coding. Still Old School is here and our mission is clear : don't mess up with our game and good people, we will mess you up for good.
3.Duplicating items in ~C~
This bug was possible to make with deposit NPC in Hefei, but no more, now it is possible only with 3rd party software. This is also about calculating the game mechanic and see who use it, but some players still use it till now helped by those tools.
Old School players reported to ~red line~ in the last couple of years, meaning directly to devs, over 10 breaking game bugs, among which we mention : auction house bug (you could get as much gold as you wanted) and SRS powerlevel bug (when you skip the bosses to transport directly to the last ones - players who level like this cheated the game and we know very well who).
4. We have more on the table, but we don't want to spoil some surprise (!).
Don't worry folks, even we were inside Acclaim VGM team and mods, old school players are always on community side. We pushed the publishers and devs from 2006 from inside and outside to make players justice, so this fight for us is on going for 14 years :

We are here watching and giving a fight for the community and a better game, so you guys should know we report all from bugs to black market on both servers to make some changes possible :

Now, not everybody is good at reporting a bug or how to write a report to RedFox or devs, but here are some tips
- A bug contains the following five main parts:
1.Summary line (short, sweet, summation of the problem)
2.The Actual Result (a description of what happened; the problem)
3.The Expected Result (what you thought should happen instead of the problem)
4.Steps to Replicate (how someone else can make the problem happen too)
5.Severity (how bad is the problem)
Writing in first person point of view, describe the problem. Provide enough information pertinent to the problem so that anyone reading the bug report will understand what happened. Write in complete sentences. Use proper punctuation, grammar, syntax, and spelling.
Some Common Mistakes:
Non-summing summary line. "Found a bug." No kidding! Like all these other bugs in the database aren't bugs that somebody found? That's like sending an email with the subject line, "Hey" - or "I wrote an email" - or "From me." Sum up the problem! Say what the problem is. Just like when you write an email, you give the recipient an idea what the email is about before he or she opens it.
Too-long summary line. "The slithy toves gyred and gimbled in the wabe when the borogoves were all mimsy and the mome raths outgrabe." Dude, just say "The slithy toves gyred and gimbled." That condenses the essence of the problem. You can give us the details about all the excessively mimsy borogoves in the body of the report.
Tester as designer. "The slithy toves need to have a 5-second cooldown after gyring so they don't gimble too soon." No, don't tell the developer how to fix it. Just say what the problem is. It's the designer's job to figure out what's the best way to balance the slithy toves.
Not giving step by step instructions. Tell the developer what to do, so he can see the problem himself. Don't just say "I did this, then I did that." Tell him, "do this, then do that." Give step-by-step instructions, in detail, in the second person.
Unclear basis for an expectation. "Usually, pressing X causes the door to open." What do you mean, "usually"? Do you mean that's how one opens doors in other games? Do you mean that's how one opens other doors in this game? Do you mean doors in your home open when you press an X button? What does "usually" mean?? Be specific, dude!
Confusing "player" with "player character." The player is the human who's holding the game controller. That digital being on the screen is a character. Don't use the terms interchangeably.
Wishy-washy observation step. "Then watch to see if the problem happens or not." Wrong. Tell the developer he will see the problem. Tell him to observe that it does happen.
Inappropriate use of the word "should," as in: "After you follow these steps, you should see the bug happen." Um, what? The bug should not happen -- that's why it's a bug! If it was supposed to happen, then it wouldn't be a bug. So you shouldn't say "should" in this way. Just say "after following these steps, observe that the bug happens."
The words "glitch" and "bug" are not sufficiently self-explanatory. If you use the word "glitch" or "bug," whether in the summary or in the description of the actual result, you must still clearly explain what the problem is.
So that's how to write a bug report. It's all about communication. A little extra attention to detail in writing your initial communication can save a lot of time later on. And this principle applies to a lot of written communications, in business and in life.
And don't forget OS saying : there are 3 types of people in the world of dragons :
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the fck just happened?!"
And for those who wants to mess with our game play and 9Dragons Awaken servers, Old School has a clear message (the dragons have awaken) :
