Now let's talk about cyberbully in 9Dragons Awaken and how to counteract.
Cyberbullying is used as an umbrella term to describe many different kinds of online abuse including but not limited to harassment, doxing, reputation attacks. We know for sure that Yin is the most toxic server and is top when comes to this behavior.
To constitute cyberbullying – the perpetrator uses technology such as computers, consoles, cell phones and/or any other device with access to the internet or social media to harass, stalk or abuse another person by instigating or participating in online hate campaigns. Although most media coverage indicates that cyberbullying is a problem exclusive to social media – it is also very problematic within the online gaming community.
Victims of cyberbullying often don’t know who are behind the accounts that are abusing them. Sometimes the victim can suspect who the bullies are, but are unable to prove it because trolling and bullying accounts often make use of everybody’s important right to anonymity – other times, complete strangers become aware of cyberbullying taking place and fall into a ‘mob mentality’ by contributing and amplifying the bullying rather than helping the victim.
Harassment – When someone is being harassed online, they are being subjected to a string of abusive messages or efforts to contact them by one person or a group of people. People can be harassed through social media as well as through their mobile phone (texting and calling) and email. Most of the contact the victim will receive will be of a malicious or threatening nature.
Cyberstalking – Similar to harassment, cyberstalking involves the perpetrator making persistent efforts to gain contact with the victim, however this differs from harassment – more commonly than not, people will cyberstalk another person due to deep feelings towards that person, whether they are positive or negative. Someone who is cyberstalking is more likely to escalate their stalking into the offline world.
Account hacking – Cyberbullies can hack into a victim’s social media accounts and post abusive or damaging messages. This can be particularly damaging for brands and public figures.
False profiles – Fake social media accounts can be setup with the intention of damaging a person or brand’s reputation. This can easily be done by obtaining publicly available images of the victim and making the account appear as authentic as possible.
There are many reasons that someone might choose to cyberbully another person. Some of the most common reasons are:
They’ve been cyberbullied themselves – Someone may choose to cyberbully another person because they have been through cyberbullying themselves. They might feel like it’s okay to treat people in that way or find that it is the only way to express their own pain.
To fit in – If someone sees another person being cyberbullied by a group of people, they may feel that by participating, they will ‘fit in’ or develop a new group of friends themselves.
Home life – The perpetrator may be having a difficult home life and misplace their anger and frustration onto someone else. Most of the time, this will happen when the cyberbully doesn’t have anyone to talk to about what they are going through.
Power – Someone may choose to cyberbully in order to feel powerful and have the ability to control a situation.
Jealously – Jealously is one of the most common reasons for cyberbullying, especially for teenagers and young people. Growing up as teenager can be a difficult time as young people are discovering themselves, and they may feel insecure about their appearance. Because they feel insecure, they might compare themselves to their peers which can result in envy based cyberbullying and abuse.
Cyberbullying and video games – Online gaming has grown rapidly over the last few years. This boom has also seen a rise in online players reporting toxicity and abuse when gaming online. Online gamers have the ability to talk to other users through the use of a microphone to chat – this can be used to encourage teamwork, build friendships and improve the overall gaming experience in general. Some players take advantage of this technology and use it to abuse players through verbal abuse or text/messaging abuse.
Now let's see some Yin, the toxic server, screens and reports :

These cyber punks try all in game from false reporting others till putting pressure on their enemies to leave their bands to griefing and others tactics. With adults players this will not work, but if they do this to a kid, the things will become complicated.
First step to deal them is report to RedFox:

Second step is to report them to authorities after you gather enough evidences, if the behavior repeats. You can get help from Charitable Foundations that deals with this kind of toxic behavior. The last step is to sue them if they will keep going, but this will involve RedFox too.
If you encounter this in game and need help can address in here :
Now, griefing others over pk is also not acceptable on a pk server, even it is Yin.
1. Purposefully shooting or otherwise sabotaging your teammates in an online game.
2. In online gaming where one repeatedly killing the same individual or individuals over and over again, or camping their corpse to prevent them from retrieving it, or otherwise performing actions in a game to prevent the player from enjoying the game.
3. In online gaming, someone who takes pleasure in creating grief for an opponent via various "cheap" tactics.
We got this from an old school player :
Acclaim was forced to enforced on Asura (pk server) playing killing rules, most because of toxic grief, harassment on players.Acclaim took a big fine from the authorities in early days because of this, mostly because of minors players. Also was a big scandal with US Congres.
Federal Trade Commission released the results of a congressionally mandated report looking into incidence of sexually and violently explicit content in online virtual worlds. Its Virtual Worlds and Kids: Mapping the Risks study, a nine-month investigation led by FTC attorney Phyllis H. Marcus, was critical.
The FTC found that despite the “educational, social, and creative opportunities” virtual worlds offer, explicit sexual content exists “free of charge, in online virtual worlds that minors are able to access.”
In response to the report’s findings, FTC chairman Jon Leibowitz was himself explicit. In a statement accompanying the report’s release he said, “It is far too easy for children and young teens to access explicit content in some of these virtual worlds…The time is ripe for these companies to grow up and implement better practices to protect kids.”
Again, the only child-oriented world in which the Commission observed explicit content when registered as a child was Bots.
In visiting each online virtual world studied, the Commission’s researchers did not put themselves in the place of an average virtual world user. Instead, the researchers were specifically instructed to search for as many different types of explicit content as possible in the time allotted, performing key word searches using explicit terms, looking for explicitly-themed discussion forums and chat rooms, and observing explicit avatar chat.

Now I went to Yin as a vaga in Kunlun and Friday, a player pk another player for over 30 times. He died all over again and keep going on. The dispute was personal between players, still this is griefing and will not go unpunished. So keep doing this guys, till you will get your accounts banned. I made all the screens till my fingers hurt (this is one) :

He keep going like this over 30 times. This player is a virus for the game and for sure this player has real life problems of behavior. These kind of people have no place in the servers and community and should get some treatment. If we ban them we make them a favor.
The mask will not help you bully others either, from inside game industry and as ex VGMs, we know well the GM tools and how works.
“Griefers trap a victim and they will attack the victim through the game,” Dr. Sally Black, an assistant professor in health services at Saint Joseph University in Philadelphia, said in an interview.